I know that my kids are always going to need me - I'm sure they will still seek me out for my infinite wisdom when I'm old. Right now I'm more like an annoying gnat that makes them do their chores and their homework. I haven't transitioned out of the role of disciplinarian yet, so it still catches me by surprise when I get to see the other side.
Today Cooper threw his whole self into the yard work. I can't even believe I just typed that sentence. Usually when Aaron announces it's a yard/garage/beach cleanup day, all three kids try to lock themselves in their rooms and pretend they just moved to Tahiti. Today Cooper cheerfully got dressed and went outside to help. I didn't have to say anything - he raked up sticks and acorns, then helped Aaron deflate the tubes and get them stored in the garage At one point I said, "Hey. You're doing a really good job and I appreciate it." He said, "Thanks. I'm going to be great at taking care of a family some day."
Oh. Gosh. Yes you are, buddy.
Carys is registered for another 5k in October and she isn't currently doing any activities, so she asked me today if she could go for a run and if I would bike along and keep her company. She's 11 years old. I'm pretty sure when I was 11 I was eating Cheetos and watching Growing Pains on the couch every Sunday of my life. But heck yeah, let's go work out! So we went for a bike/run. She finished three miles in just over 28 minutes, and asked me to write it down so she can work on getting that time down.
Like, what?
And then Emma. She actually talked to me for a few minutes about some personal feelings and things going on in her 14 year old world. Out of respect for her privacy, I'll just leave it at that. But it felt really nice, to have her ask my opinion, get some advice, and then share her feelings. I can't pretend that's always gonna happen, because I'm sure it won't - but it was pretty great to feel a little like a confidante instead of like her parent for just a minute.
It was an out-of-the ordinary day for sure. The Vikings lost to Buffalo and Detroit beat New England - maybe the apocalypse is on the way, who knows.
Regardless, I'm soaking it up. There's a window that opens occasionally that lets me see their grown-up selves. They might actually be functioning adults some day! Some day they'll be calling to tell me about their own families and their own adventures outside of my four walls. It looks exciting...but I think I'll take my time getting there.
I'll deal with the Front Seat Of The Car Rotating Schedule, the six baskets of unwashed laundry in the utility room and the fight that is currently raging upstairs over who lost the green hairbrush if it means I get to have them under my roof for a little while longer.
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