
May 9, 2021

Priceless Memories Brought To You In Sarcasm Font (a.k.a. Mother's Day 2021)

 This is always a hard holiday for me because I miss my mom so much. I usually kind of lay low on these milestones and avoid social media, but this year was a little easier than others I have had. My dad has been filling in for my Mama in every way, every day; he took me shopping for plants and we had a lovely breakfast at Edie's - just us - on Saturday. Today I immersed myself in house projects, and throughout the day my kids celebrated me in the way that only my children know how to do. Hallmark won't be calling to patent anything that happens at our house, certainly, but I wouldn't have it any other way - they're crazy, but they're mine. We consider sarcasm an important life skill around here. Please enjoy these snapshots of Mother's Day 2021.

Priceless Memory #1

Emma: "Hey, do we have any special plans for Mother's Day?"
Me: "Do we ever have any special plans for Mother's Day?"
Emma: "Well no, but that's because we do such a good job of appreciating you all year round."

Priceless Memory #2

Aaron:   "Hey kids, Mom really wants some projects done around here for Mother's Day. Let's get some of these chores done for her, okay?"
Kids:   "Can't we just buy her something?"
Aaron:   "No. She really wants the area rugs cleaned and the house picked up."
Kids:   "I think she just wants flowers. Or candy, or something."
Aaron:   "No, now seriously, get ready, I've got a list."
Kids:   "We're going to the store. See you later."

Priceless Memory #3

Me:   "*&%$." (Okay, I may have let a swear word slip out in a weak moment during a difficult project that wasn't going well.)
Cooper:   "Mom. My prefrontal cortex isn't fully developed. I can't be hearing questionable language from you at such a sensitive time in my development. It isn't good for my immature mind." 

Priceless Memory #4

Upon being presented with a Mother's Day basket of goodies from the aforementioned store:
Me:   "Wow, guys, thank you. Hey, these shower bombs look kind of familiar."
Carys & Emma:  *exchanging a look* "Oh. Yeah, those are the shower bombs Grandpa got you for Christmas last year. They were in the way back of the linen closet and we thought maybe you forgot about them."

In all seriousness, every one of these made me laugh - lest you think they're heathens, my rugs are all clean, the house is mostly picked up, my plants are planted, my car got washed, and supper was BBQs from the Dairy Freeze - all good things to wrap up a memorable day. Love my little monsters. ❤

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